
Sheep in Disguise Pre-order

Created by Sheep in Disguise

A vibrant and strategic card game for 2-6 players. Now is your last chance to pre-order and lock in your discount!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal #3 and #4 UNLOCKED + New Stretch Goal Challenge & Facebook Competition! WIN A FREE ULTIMATE PACK!
over 3 years ago – Mon, May 31, 2021 at 03:52:33 AM

It's update time -- and we've got lots to share!

First off, you all are flying through these stretch goal challenges! With all the challenges completed in the last 4 days, you've unlocked two more stretch goals. Because of this, we're adding another challenge for you to complete:

Click the image above to head over to our BoardGameGeek page and drop a heart and a rating! 

To celebrate the newly unlocked stretch goals we're also going to be holding a competition on our Facebook page for the chance to win a free Ultimate Pack. Click the image below to follow our Facebook page and get ready for the competition post coming soon!

OK, now let's go over the goodies from our newly unlocked stretch goals!

Our cards got beefed up, so now it's time for the box! Inner lining plus a vac formed tray to hold everything in place will really step up the overall quality of the product. So, cheers to that!

But wait, there's more! We've also unlocked Attack cards for the NSFW expansion, putting us that much closer to a complete standalone NSFW edition of Sheep in Disguise! Wow!

We probably shouldn't post anything too crazy here, but nevertheless, it's only right to show off a few NSFW pieces to give you a glimpse of what's just been added to all NSFW expansions. So, if you don't want to see anything NSFW... stop here.

If you're reading this, then you're ready for the NSFW goodies, right? Cool, let's do it.

First up is Randy. He's got curves in all the wrong places and an insatiable hunger for sheep. Note the high-pitched screeching sound he makes when it's feeding time.

Next, we've got a slaughterhou-- I mean... a funhouse. You know... for fun... stuff.

Last, but certainly not least, it's Crack Bear and the Adderall Boys. Ever seen a bear on crack? Pray that you don't.

That's some tasty NSFW, but we need MORE -- It's teaser time! Here's a closer look at the NSFW Steal and Restock cards:

Both cards will be in the standalone version of Sheep in Disguise NSFW, so let's keep knocking out these stretch goal challenges and bring it to life! More NSFW teasers to come!

Thank you all so much for your continued support! Talk soon!

- Ledger & Emily

Stretch Goal #2 Unlocked!
over 3 years ago – Wed, May 26, 2021 at 02:57:05 AM

Wow! What an incredible first week! The support for Sheep in Disguise has been overwhelming and we owe that to each and every one of you. Seriously, we can't thank you all enough! We're just shy of 1,000 backers with over $50,000 raised, and to top it off, we’ve just unlocked another stretch goal! 3 new Attack cards have been added to all original editions of Sheep in Disguise and we’re very excited to share them with you to see what you think!

First up, we have the Unholy Moley, here to punish the world for its many crimes.

Next is Cube of Confusion! I’d say he’s fun at parties… but he’s not.

Lastly, we have two sheep just hanging out. What’s so dangerous about that?

Let us know what you think of these new cards and thank you all so much for your comments and stretch goal challenge submissions. Don't forget to check out the challenge list (located below the stretch goals section) to see how you can help unlock more!

-Ledger & Emily

Stretch Goal UNLOCKED & MASSIVE Stretch Goal Update!
over 3 years ago – Fri, May 21, 2021 at 04:19:17 AM

What a day! In just over 24 hours the campaign has reached more than 25k in funding. You’re all amazing, and you definitely deserve something special for that. That’s why as of today we have updated all of our stretch goals to be more focused on challenges/achievements that all our backers can participate in to help make Sheep in Disguise the best it can be!

And guess what? As a result of these changes, we’ve already crushed our first stretch goal! Thanks to whey protein, double scoops of creatine, and our incredible backers, our cards are now BUFF.

This is only the beginning. Check out all of the challenges listed below and get started on unlocking more stretch goals!

Thanks again for all of your support and for all the feedback we’ve received thus far. Let’s keep crushing it!

-Ledger & Emily

over 3 years ago – Wed, May 19, 2021 at 03:46:31 PM

Woohoo! Sheep in Disguise is fully funded! Thank you all so much, your support means the world to us and we're incredibly grateful for such an amazing start to the campaign.

It’s been a long journey to get to this point, and yet, we’re just getting started. Now, it’s time to smash some stretch goals and make Sheep in Disguise the best it can be!

Don’t forget to help spread the word by sharing our campaign with your friends and family, the sheep would really appreciate it. They told us so.

Thanks again,

Ledger & Emily